Paternity & Parentage Attorney in Everett, Washington
Overview of The Paternity/Parentage Process
While both parents may acknowledge paternity and maternity, if there is any doubt now or likely to be doubt in the future, parentage needs to be legally determined. Most parentage actions involve establishing paternity. In some cases, there may be a need to establish maternity.
As a father, by establishing paternity, you can ensure your rights to parenting time including visitation and the opportunity to primary residential custody. Paternity also obligates the father to support the child financially.
If you are the mother of a child and need to establish paternity, our lawyers can explain the process and your rights. We can also work with you and the father to establish a parenting plan (residential schedule) and child support.
To find out more about how our law firm can help you with your paternity case needs, contact Loren R. Waxler, Attorney at Law, in Everett, Washington. Call or reach out using our contact form.